e4 Strategic is a technology company that offers digitally-inspired services and solutions across the financial services, legal and data sectors. Focused on software, e4 leverages technology to completely transform customer processes.

The name “e4”, an opening trusted chess move, was derived from e4’s strategic approach to understand their clients businesses and customise innovative solutions based on their needs and ambitions. Their tagline - “Your future, today.” epitomises the brand's objective to assist their clients digitalise their business, making their processes simpler and faster.

We were tasked to manage their mother brand, sub-brands, products, internal and external communications, and the online and social presence of the brand. This starts with strategic thinking about the offerings and how to communicate these with clients and employees. We carefully consider and construct new ways in which to elevate and enhance the brand’s execution, whether this be the introduction of a new typography or introducing a new way of using visuals – focusing on a human-centric feeling, accompanied by the trustworthy and professional feeling of technology.


Brand Management | Brand Development | Brand Identity Refinement | Brand Manual Design | Brand Collateral (Internal & External) | Social Media Content Creation | Website Design | Project Management | Pre-Production Management | Production Management





